
1~7~2016: Anime, Manga, Reality:Love, Dating, and School life!

Today I thought it would be fun to look at the difference between Anime, Manga, and Reality when it comes to dating, love, and school life!
To do this I am going to show you some videos by +Rachel & Jun...

Here is the first video!

Some of the Questions were very expected... And some of the answers were Unexpected!

FINALLY!!! I get to learn the answer to why the girls ask for buttons in some anime!!!

Here is the next one...

I would have thought that the answer about leaving love letters would have been that it was really common since I would assume not everyone knows the e-mail address of the person they like.

Also I thought that anime and manga drew the skirt short because it was a fantasy type thing and that no one really wore them that short! I think it's nice that these things are being told to us... There are other questions in the videos that I didn't go over so you have to watch them to find out!

Here is a more recent Video they did that also included +Sharla in Japan  and +Einshine ...

The thing is... People always want to believe that their favorite part about an anime they like is real and not just a fantasy! I'm one of those people sometimes... The last video shows that sometimes the things in anime really are more realistic than we think!!! I pride myself on being able to at least know when one of the more dramatic things is not going to happen unless it is for a cosplay!

Thank you Jun and Jun's sister for answering some of those questions for us in the first two videos!!!
Also Thank you to Rachel, Sharla, and Einshine for the last video!!!

I'm glad they made these videos and I love that I am permitted to share them with all of you!!

As always... Thanx for watching the videos and reading my blog!!!!!

Have a great day!!!

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