
10~22~2015: My Japanese trend...

I have noticed something... I post a LOT of things about Japan and the Japanese people. This is my Japanese trend I guess... and I'm ok with that!!!

I have always wanted to live there but due to a lot of things I have never even been able to visit. I have a pen-pal there and we have shared many stories about both America and Japan. 

Sayuri is a sister to my soul... It is because of her that my passion is so great for Japan. It is so fun to share with everyone things I learn about Japan and I show videos from YouTubers I actually talk to! That's right! Though I haven't had long talks with them or long chats.... We have at least spoken through text on Facebook or through Tweets.

One exception to this is Sharla from the YouTube channel Sharla in Japan. I haven't been able to reach her yet but Rachel from Rachel & Jun has reassured me that she won't mind my linking to her videos. They have done a few videos together so I'm gonna take her word for it! Thanx Rachel!!!

So... In future blogs you can look forward to seeing some of her videos as well as those from Rachel & Jun and from Texan in Tokyo!

And now.....

In following my Japanese trend I want to share a video with you from someone I have recently met through twitter... I don't know how often I will use her videos but I did like some of them so I'm happy to share!!!

Here is her debut on my blog... Please welcome...

Here is the first video I ever watched of hers and it made me want to go to this cafe!
Hope you like it too!

Gucci Cafe!!!

Well... that's all for now... I enjoyed bringing this video to you & hope you enjoyed it to!!!

As always... Thanx for taking the time to read my blog!!!

Have a great day!!!

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