
A little movie... a little walking...

While looking back at the last month I realized I skipped two posts in the last week... Sorry about that... But that got me to think about my posts... and... I though of something kinda new...
I was just thinking that it would be fun to share a TV series with you today... I don't know if you will be able to watch them because they are blocked on YouTube in some countries but it is so worth it to check it out... You might find something new to watch!

So here it is... The page for YouTube: Wolfblood

And to make this Blog a legit Vlog I'm gonna share this video too....

Yeah I think that it's so cool how she gets the goat to walk over all those things... What was your favorite part? Do you think some of those things are easier to walk over than others?

And that's it for this post! Oh but don't forget to watch for the "Picture of the Month" later today... After all today is the last day of the month!

As always... Thanx for watching reading and checking out anything I share with you!
Hope you have an adventurous day!


Music time! It's music madness Monday!

Yeah I know it has only been like 4 days since my last music post buuuuuuttttttt......

I'm insane!

No seriously though... I love this song! There is another one that I think goes amazing with it too... The perfect follow up song!!!

Pretty little psycho!

See what I mean!!! I'm the little psycho I swear... My poor family fit the I'm insane song though... we match perfect lol. Ending here... 
Are you Psycho too?!!?

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Hope you have an imaginative, insane and fun day!


Exercise and Health... Just some thoughts!

So today we are gonna talk health... I know... Whyyyyyyy??? Right? but to be honest I really need to start paying more attention to this! I won't say my lifestyle is very unhealthy but it sure could use some work! I have started a new plan... I am using a Yoga system that I think will work for me.

Yup... This is the system I'm using... I bought it a while ago and my physical therapist said it was a good match for what I needed and what I could handle. Today I started up again!

Just in case you want to get it I'll link it...

But if you don't want to spend money on something like this then maybe you can find a class or a video you like that isn't this expensive... Let's look at this video by +tomoko tomoko as she tells us about her experience with Yoga!

I think I can understand why she says we can face our bodies... Once I know the routine I think I will be thinking a lot about both my mind and my body... I will get back on track with my health!
I'm going to end this post by saying... If you are happy with your body I'm happy for you but if you aren't them please strive to be the you that will make you happiest!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I shared!
Hope you have a happy and healthy day!

PS... No this is not endorsed by Yoga Burn in any way... I am not being payed to mention them!


Musical throwbacks?!?! Yup they happen!

I've been sharing lots of random music with you... And today is no exception... Although... This time I want to share a cover song with you... +Abbie Bosworth has shared this song cover with us about two years ago... And I thought it would be fun to share it with you for the throwback!

The Moon Song!

Hope you enjoyed that little hidden gem!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share with you!
Hope you have a musical day!


Beauty comedy??? Look and find out!

Today I thought I would share a beauty tips video with you... Or not really tips but products...

OK so this could have been a comedy thing too... But come on... It had a few good things in it right?

I think that bubbling face mask thing looked cool... And the thing to apply product with is awesome! I have been looking for one of those here so maybe I will just buy it through +Sharla in Japan's link!

I am making it a habit to only share one video if I can help it... Though sometimes I will share more I think... However today is not that day... Hope you enjoyed the laugh and found at least one cool product to give a try... I know I did!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Hope you have a beautiful day!


Lesson Time!!! 7~14~2017

It's that time of month again!!! Let's look at today's lesson!

SUP = stand up paddle boarding
着く tsuku = to arrive 
空気を入れる = to inflate
時間がかかる jikan ga kakaru = to take time
乗せてもらう nosete morau = to give someone a ride
~けれども keredomo = ~ but/though ~
風化侵食 fuuka shinshoku = weathered
(形成される keisei sareru = formed)
岩 iwa = a rock, crag or cliff
洞窟 doukutsu = a cave
しっかりと shikkari to = well, clearly
雨宿り amayadori = to take shelter from the rain
独特 dokutoku = unique (rock surfaces)
「決して手を触れないように。(岩に)」kesshite te wo furenai you ni =
Don’t touch the rocks. (They’re sharp!)
「とても優しい。ウネリが。」totemo yasashii . uneri ga. =
The waves are not rough today.
狭い semai = narrow
泳ぎながら oyoginagara = while swimming
結構深い kekkou fukai= pretty deep
平らでない taira de nai = not flat
盛りだくさん mori dakusan = diverse, varied, colorful

OK... So that was a lot to take in! I say even if you get just one word learned you have done amazing... No need to rush! After all... New languages can be hard to learn!

If you want to look at any other lessons from +tomoko tomoko that I've shared with you... There are two ways you can do it. One is to search through all the entries on my blog... The other is to visit my YouTube Channel Here and look at my playlists for the one called Japanese With "tomoko tomoko" or you can click the following link to go right to that playlist!

I was originally sharing them in the order she has them in her YouTube but now I think I will share them in any order and just leave the playlist in the order I share them with you! Hope you enjoy them!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share with you!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!


A Cool New Place!!!

1Because I know you all want to see what our YouTube family have been up to I thought I should jump right in! So here is +Sharla in Japan  showing us a bit of this pretty cool place she went... Check it out!!!

Pretty cool right??? I"ve never even heard of DisneySea! So because it  looked so cool and it was something one of our YouTube family shared plus the fact I had no clue it existed, I thought that I should bring it to your attention too... Just in case!

Honestly I really don't have more to share right now... Forgive me K?

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Hope you have an adventurous and fun day!


Their secret revealed!!!!!

So for a while +Rachel & Jun's Adventures! were able to keep a secret from us... And yes by now a lot of people know what that secret is... But I'm going to share it for those of you who still have no idea what it was to begin with! Soooo... Here is a video to spill the beans!

Soooo Pretty!!!! I want some of those!!!

If you don't know where to get it then follow this link!

I have no idea if they are sold out yet or not so if you want some then I suggest you hurry to the site to order them... Good Luck getting some... I don't think I will make it since I have to save up for it first... Maybe if it is a big success Rachel will do it again.... Here's hoping!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Hope you have an enchanting day!


Musical moods? What do you think...

Have you ever heard music described as "an oldie but a goody" before? Well I have one to share with you that fits that description... Posted to YouTube in 2009 I give you...

Who Knew

See... What did I tell you!?!? It's a good one right!

Hope you enjoyed the quick music flashback! I find that if I'm ever feeling down and I start listening to some of these older songs I stop being sad... It's the magic of music! I call this Musical moods. I can become sad or happy... even excited based on the mood of the music and that makes life so much more interesting and fulfilling! What do you think? Does that happen to you too?

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share.
Sorry it's so short... Hope you have a musically inspired day!


Birthdays are fun!

Who doesn't like Birthday fun? Well it's only fun if it's stressful too... At least that's what I've heard... So check out this video by +Rachel and Jun  and see if it's true!

Maybe I should check that site out sometime huh? You could too and see if anything catches your eye! I love DIY things! Anyhow... That's it for today!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Hope you have a creative day!


A throwback on Throwbacks! Yup I'm bringin it to you!

Let's just Kick it right off into the video!

Hehe we found out some gems about +Sharmander right! Yes this is old so a lot of people already knew these things... But I haven't been able to watch all the videos yet so it was new to me and I thought it would be cool to show... Hope you liked it!

I'm not going to add any cause I think it would be hard to top this!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I post!
Hope you have a wonderful and memorable day!


Thoughts and Interesting (?) news...

WOW... OK... So this sucks! I can't believe how hard it is to get back to writing every day again! I used to be so motivated... Enough so that I had most of the next months posts done by the end of the third week of the current month. When everything went to crap it really screwed with me more than I thought... I think I managed all of last months posts though... I know that as time passes and I keep writing or posting I will get better at it again. I think that it's easier than it was already but I don't know how long it will take for it to feel normal again... Thanx to everyone who is going the long journey with me... 
I really appreciate it!

And now on to happier things!

I thought I'd show you a facts video from +Kento Bento today... There are some really interesting and odd things in it! But first... I have to say... NOT FOR CHILDREN!!! Soooooo... Here it is...

Yeah... I know... Wow!

So I think this is all I'm going to write today... I have a few things to do that have to be done by tomorrow and time always slips away from me!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!
Hope you have a funny and interesting day!