
7~4~2016: Music to make you think!!!

I love this music video!!!

What did you think of the people coming out of nowhere? So cool right? 
Makes you wonder where they came from right???? 

Here is another video that has a hint of the unexpected to it...

I love how some of them are moving right up until they are picked up! It's a cardboard party!!!

Perception... It's everything!
Well hope you enjoyed the music today!

As always... Thanx for watching the posts!
Have a musical day!


New idea and a food review...

Mina-san, Ohayou!
(everyone, good morning!)

How was your holiday???

Things were great here and in another post I may share a few pictures... Maybe... But today I wanted to run a new idea by you!

Photo/Video of the month!

Sooooo... I bet you are wondering where I'm going with this title... I was thinking the last Tuesday of every month would be a cool day to post a photo or one of my blog posts that I took or filmed that month. I know I'm not the best at it but I figure you can all give me your opinions!

So what do you think? Wanna help influence my channel and my Photography?

Don't feel like you have to but I know I would appreciate the opinions!

So that is my new idea... And to keep with the title I'll now post my "Food Review" I filmed with my children... I hope you like it!

It's not much but my kids had fun with it so I'm happy with it too!

Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see more!
OK... Enough self advertising... time to end this post!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my posts!
Have an delicious and amazing day!


6~30~2016: Travel tips & talk time with our YouTube family!

Lets start here shall we?

+Sharla in Japan did a collaboration video with kimdao on useful Japanese phrases when traveling!
Lets watch the video before continuing!

Those were some useful things to learn to say! Thank you both!!!

I think I want to add her to the YouTube family... what do you think? I really want to share her half of this collab but until I have her permission I can't! So If she will let me then I will share it!

Now... On to the next video! Here is Rachel from +Rachel & Jun's Adventures! It's not their main channel so I hope you will check it out too! They also have +JunsKitchen which I have linked videos from in the past... He's such a good cook!

Anyhow... Today she talked about her opinions on if she is famous with us...
Check out what she had to say!

I can see why she feels this way... How about you?

I wonder how the other members of our YouTube family feel about this topic...
It would be cool to find out! Maybe I'll ask them to do videos and then I'll post links to them for you to see what they have to say! Thanx +Rachel & Jun for the idea to share with others!

Well that's all for today!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!
Have a wonderful day!


Just a quick lesson for ya!

This is going to be a quick lesson today because I am not feeling so good... 
Hope you enjoy the lesson!

昆布巻き kobumaki→ simmered konbu rolls
黒豆 kuromame →  simmered black soy beans
栗きんとん kurikinton→ mashed sweet potato with sweet chestnuts
田作り tatsukuri → candied dried sardines
数の子 kazunoko→ salted herring roe
伊達巻 datemaki→ sweet omlet
かまぼこ kamaboko→ fish cake

I hope you had fun watching the video and learned a few new words from it!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!
Have a wonderful and healthy day!


6~28~2016: Lets Travel!!!

We all know that +Rachel & Jun have been traveling around Thanx to Odigo and sharing the fun with us! Here is a clip from their trip to Kyoto!

It is sooooo Pretty! I really want to go there! If I ever go to Japan there are definitely places in this clip I am so going to see!!!

Here is another one from the same trip!

Omg the snack boats!!!! SOOOOO COOOL!!!

Now Lets end this on a funny note! Jun's first ever prank!

How do you think he did? I say that for a first try it was really good!

Well that's all for this post!

As always.... Thanx for watching and reading my posts!
Have a fun filled day of adventures!


6~27~2016: Music Catch-Up!

So I know you probably watch those talent shows on youtube... You know what I'm talking about.. The "Got Talent" or "The Voice" ones.... But you don't often hear what happens with the contestants... Here is a story of one of "Britan's got Talent" contestants... Lets first refresh your memory of who she is... Here is Hollie Steel's Audition! It was around 6 years ago!

Such a cutie right!!!

Turns out she put an album out too... I'm not going to link to it or anything but I thought I would share her YouTube channel and a song from only a few months ago... It's a cover but still beautiful!

I wonder how come she didn't make it HUGE! her voice is so beautiful! I hope she gets the recognition she deserves!

Not every contestant can make it big and I get that.. But really they should get somewhere! Especially if they are as good as she is! If you want to follow her I would start here..

I don't usually post the videos of people who I haven't gotten permission from... But it is a music cover so I feel it is fair game to post a link to... If she sees this and gets mad I will gladly take it down but somehow I don't think she will be mad.

Anyhow that's it for todays post!

As always... Thanx for watching, Listening to, and reading my post!
Have a musical day!


6~24~2016: Playing Catch-up! *** Part 2

OK... Time for part 2 in my catch-up posts!

I'm posting videos in the order I added the person to the YouTube family... Most of the next persons videos are not done in Japan... It's exciting to see other places too soooo... I want to show what she has been up to... Since I haven't posted many of her videos I am going to pick them based on content and not by the date they were uploaded. So here we go....

Here are 3 videos from +Jade Furuta !!!

I love how she is not in Japan but is still using the Japanese "いただきます(itadakimasu)" before she eats! I don't recommend moving the room around though... I know she didn't do that but the comment about the beds being put together made me feel like I should say this... Love the video though!

She can be so out there! But it makes it entertaining right?!?!? She starts to say Halloween makeup... That might actually fit... Those eyebrows!!! I love that she isn't afraid to be crazy for the camera!!!

Now obviously you aren't going to like everything about every place you visit... Here is a little info about things she doesn't like...

These are her opinions... I have no idea how true or untrue this is and am not bashing anyone who likes the Philippines or who lives there... Again this is her opinion!

Moving on before anyone can get upset with me...

Next up we have +Strawberry Mochi !!!

This looks sooooo fun to visit!!! Soooo pretty! I don't want to feel my ears hurt though!

Next up lets go exploring in this Collaboration with Life Where I'm From.

OMG this hike looks like so much fun! I kinda wanna try it.... I have trouble with stuff like this because of my Fibromyalgia but I really wanna try! Maybe someday!

Last from Kelly we have....

This is the most recent video on this playlist... Happy Late Birthday!!!

OK... so the last person we have added to our YouTube family hasn't been with us for too long so I am only posting one video from them.... Here is a Challenge done by +Kento Bento !!!

We have seen some of the other YouTube family members do this challenge... It's always fun to watch though! Some of the things she says though... How does Nina know what these things taste like!!!

Well I had a lot of fun bringing these videos to you... Hope you enjoyed watching them too!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my posts!
Have a fun filled day!!!


6~23~2016: Playing Catch-up! *** Part 1

So I noticed no matter how hard I try to keep up with sharing our YouTube Family's videos I always seem to fall sooooo far behind them!  Today I am going to play catch-up and post a few from each of the people I consider a part of this family! I'm going to post the more recent ones they have shared though... Because I want to do  "Flashback" type posts too! So here are at least three from each!

First Up... +Texan in Tokyo !!!

Thank You for those tips!!! I really think this is good advice! I know it shows me things I should keep in mind when I finally start publishing my book!

I love how there is Japanese spoken between them... It really helps me practice mine!

Japan is full of interesting foods... And just as full of fun places to go... Like this place!

I wanna dress up like that!!!! That looks so fun!

OK... Next up we have... +Rachel & Jun !!!

Well this is cool! I have a small one my pen pal sent me when I was like 17! it is a kids one I think.... Not the little kids one but not an adult one. It is so pretty too! I want to get one that is the right size for me now... If I ever manage it I will post a picture for you!
I love when I find Manga and Anime where they wear these too! I'm such an otaku!

I could say so much more about that video because it is a Vlog but I will let you watch it to find out... Oh and there is an update about the kitty in it!!!

Next from them is....

I kept with the food theme and I have to say I think it's funny how Jun looks like he is laughing and shaking his head at america's attempt at sushi! We must seem so odd to him as he is experiencing this! Such a good video though! You guys are so cute!!!

And now for travel places!!!

This makes me want to go there so much more than I already did!!! It was so magical watching it!

OK... Next up is... +Sharla in Japan !!!
I'm sharing video's from both her channels..

Starting off with this... I think I shared something about this salon but I can't remember... 
Either way it is an awesome hair color!

I think this next video has the pink extensions she was talking about though...

I don't usually do Real Talk type video shares but this one was like wow when I watched it. I didn't realize it might be like this... I don't know why but I really didn't think things may be like this.

Now last from Sharla we have...

A collaboration Video with Rachel! Thank you both for these tips... Especially the money one!
I never would have thought of some of these!!!

I'm going to end this post here and put the rest in "Part 2" tomorrow!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!
Hope you have a wonderful day!6~23


6~21~2016: New YouTube Family member... Fun videos to watch... Info!!!

First things first!!! HIIIIIIIII!!!!!

It's summertime here finally! It didn't feel like spring at all this year... But now it is summer.... And... Last Wednesday my children began their summer vacations! This means Summer Adventures!!! I am thinking that if we do any traveling I will put some of it up on YouTube... What do you think?

OK now that I asked that... I'll tell you who the new YouTube Family Member is! Please give a warm welcome to.....

That is their Google page... Here is their YouTube page!

Now if any of you already watch their YouTube you would understand the appeal! They are so random and they are not afraid to be goofy! I love seeing this side to people... Especially if it is put out there where they can be harshly judged! It takes guts to do what they do... Heck it takes guts for anyone to do the YouTube thing... I am proud to show you the videos our YouTube family make!!!

So now... I'll show you one of theirs!

OK so not all the stories are truly creepy or scary... But that last one... I want to know if it is true!!!

Maybe They or one of our other YouTube family members will do a video on it!

Anyhow.... As you can see there is a special charm to their videos... I couldn't put it into words but it is truly fun to watch them! They also cover some unexpected topics... Like this condom video...

Yup not what I expected.... But hay... It's better than not having awareness or knowledge about condoms right???  I definitely learned something about condoms from here though I'm not sure what I'm feeling about this info... What's your opinion???

So I'm gonna end on this odd note... Just cause I can!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!!!
Have a fun filled day!


6~20~2016: Music.... New and Old!

So today we are going to take a song that was remade and compare it to the older version... This is the version you probably know about...

Not bad... lets look at the original...

Very different feel right??? I don't think one version is really better than the other... I feel that instead it is a wonderful example of how to make the old new and still keep the classic feel!

But that is just me... What do you think?
Let me know in the comments! For now I'll leave you to ponder this!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!
Have a Musical day!


Lesson Time!!! Let's Visit Tomoko desu!

Today we are going to visit our YouTube family member +tomoko tomoko's YouTube Japanese lessons. I realize that her lessons are sometimes hard to find but they are great practice.

Lets watch first!

Now first of all you should know that I watch these for the first time right before I post them... And I post them in the order she has them listed. That being said the first thing I do is to post her vocabulary she lists for each video... It is by no means every word she says since they are filmed entirely in Japanese but if you what to know what else she says then turn on the CC!

So here is her vocabulary!

Happy new year → あけましておめでとうございます
December 31st → 大晦日 おおみそか
big cleaning →大掃除 おおそうじ
take a nap →昼寝をする ひるねをする
sing →歌う うたう
dance →踊る おどる
buckwheat long noodles → 年越しそば としこしそば
eat →食べる たべる
kouhaku utagassen →紅白歌合戦
watch → 見る みる
January 1st → 元旦 がんたん

Because the list is long I am not adding any other words... Sometimes I will add them and hope I'm right... I don't know very many kanji so I am guessing on them... I ask that if you know them and I put the wrong one... Please let me know so I can fix it! I'm still learning and I am teaching myself so I am not very good but I feel I can say "at least I am trying!" Thanx so much in advance for the help!

I really hope you enjoyed today's lesson!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Have a knowledgeable day!


6~17~2016: Traveling... Fukushima... and Info for you!

Today I'm telling you about an awsome trip +Sharla in Japan took that she had shown us a little bit of in a previous video. I think I showed you that one already but in case I didn't I'll link it again at the end of the post right before I say goodbye!

But first... Lets watch Day 1!!!

Looks like fun so far... Lets watch Day 2 now...

Those stamp books make traveling more fun right?!?!? It looks cool to see the different stamps too!

Now for the video about the hotel...

Soooo cool!

Ok so this is it for this post... Oh before I go I wanted to tell you to look forward to a new YouTube family member announcement on Tuesday!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!!!
Have an adventurous day!


6~14~2016: Cooking with Jun! Art you can eat!

Today we visit +JunsKitchen 

Lets cook!

I'm not a fan or mayonnaise, but that looks good!!!

And for dessert...

YUMMY!!! I love strawberry!!!!

Jun is an amazing cook! I can't wait to see if I can find these ingredients in the USA to try making this! If I can't I will have to ask what to use as substitutes...

Check out Jun's Kitchen YouTube channel here..

That's all for this post... I know it made me want to try something new... How about you?

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!


6~10~2016: Food, Fun, Friends... Good times!!!

Lets start this off with a new place I've never seen our YouTube family go to...

Thank You sooooo much +Strawberry Mochi for sharing this place with us! It looks like so much fun there and the time they are open to would be good for your night owls!!!

Now lets watch the next one!

Our +Texan in Tokyo team brought Tomoko who I believe is +Gimmeabreakman's wife with them on this one... If you want to know more about her I will post her YouTube Channel here...

I've started to check her videos out and think maybe I will ask her if I can link to them here.

Next video is....

Ryosuke is so interesting to watch!!! I love how he started these cooking videos!
Thank you so much Ryoskue!!!

Staying on Veggie foods... Here is another video for you but this time it is from +Sharla in Japan!

I'm not a vegetarian but that does look good! Odd... But good!
I really love how it's delivered too!!!

And last we have....

That looks like fun... But watch it cause it looks so good that you might lose track of your budget!

Well I hope you found new fun places to check out because of these videos and that you enjoyed watching them!! I know I did!

As always... Thanx for watching!!!
Have a yummy day!


Memories, death, Loved ones... Tell them you love them!

This is an extra post for you all.. I feel it is a pretty important message too...

Saying good bye to a friend or family member is never easy... Even if they are not human... That's because as humans we form connections that don't just disappear when the other dies!

Here is a video I made for one of our furbabies that passed away... Miss you girlies!

Gonna end this here... With this last note...

Remember to tell those you love that you love them because tomorrow is never promised!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post.
Have a loving day!


6~9~2016: Wow this is something you should know....

Yup... Deffinatly something you should know... Do you have a nut allergy and want to go to Japan???

This video will help you learn how to avoid nuts and also gives you important info!

Thank you Kelly from +Strawberry Mochi !!!
That must have been so scary!
Glad you are ok though!

I'm sure this video helped a lot of people... 
I hope me sharing it will help you to Spread this information!
It is really an important message and I'm happy I get to help share it!

Well that's all for today!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading the post!
Have a safe and happy day!