
Halloween... All Hallows Day... Samhain...

Today is the first post I'm writing In my new VlogBlog... The rest of them were originally posted on my main blog... I guess this is kinda like a Debut right!


Here it is! The first video I want to share with you is this one...

And here int he next video we can see Sharla having a Canadian Halloween in Japan!

Yup this is to celebrate Halloween!

Today is my favorite holiday of the year...You get to dress up all crazy and no one thinks you are crazy for doing it! Be creative and have fun with it!

I hope you liked watching Halloween in a country that is really new to it!
No matter what you call this holiday it has something for everyone... It is the day the Vale between the living and the dead is at it's thinnest and so a long time ago people would cut jack-o-lanterns and dress up so the spirits couldn't tell they were living.... Now-a-day there are things you can do to honor them... Personally I set a place at a table for my loved ones to come eat with me.

I'm going to end this post with that last bit of lore... Hope you had fun learning a little about Halloween in Japan and a bit of the history of Halloween!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!
Have a Blessed Samhain!


4~28~2016: Lots of Info... Posting Schedule Update... and a challenge for you!

As you can see in the post title... There is a lot going into this post! Craziness!!!

Lets start with easy one... my schedule... I'll post the pic first!

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(You may need to click on it to see it bigger... Not sure)

As you can see I have changed Friday's post from it being me announcing the next review every time so that it is only the last Friday of the month... The rest have a reminder that will be mixed in with the random post I'll be posting that day.

Also in the event that Danni can't post on the last Thursday of the month, I will be posting the usual random post in her place... Life gets busy and not everyone has the time I have to do this.
We stilllove her though!

Next is the Challenge.... Here it is!
I saw this floating around Facebook and thought it would be good to try! I did that 28 day planking challenge... Well... I should say I tried to do it... I didn't manage it though!.. But I want to try this one too! Soooooooooo....... Who is with me? Are you willing to try?

May has 31 days so it is perfect! I will start on the 1st and then report to you the day after I finish it (the 31st) about how I did! I don't know if I will be able to do it but I will never know if I don't try!

Wish me luck!

And last is a video from +Strawberry Mochi about websites to help you learn Japanese.

The last one she talks about is iTalki... I dunno if it was my computer or if it is the video but she went from talking about Jisho to iTalki without saying the name... so I was a bit confused. Hope I helped you to avoid the confusion... and if it doesn't happen to you then it was my computer and please ignore what I just wrote about!

Well that was a lot! Time to stop!!!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!

Have an interesting and fun filled day!

4~26~2016: New Family Member!

OK... Time for the exciting news to be completely revealed!

Our new YouTube family member is....

We have seen her in videos with +Rachel & Jun before... But when I went to her page I found one with +Sharla in Japan as well! I am looking forward to seeing if +Texan in Tokyo is also in any of them! But for now here are a few of her videos!

Here we see +Strawberry Mochi  with +Sharla in Japan 

next up we have this informative one...

Here Kelly and Rachel got together to tell us some things we could see in Japan that are different from where we might be... I don't know about you but they are very different from where I am in the states!

And the last one is this one...

Last year's video... We see +Texan in Tokyo a few times in there but I haven't found one they have done together... At least not on Kelly's channel... Maybe Grace has one?

I don't know yet since there are still a lot of videos on all of the channels that I haven't seen or have forgotten what's in them and need to watch them again!

Well... I'm going to stop the post here!

One last warm welcome to Kelly from the channel +Strawberry Mochi... Lets become Great friends!!!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!

Have an awesome day everyone!!!

4~25~2016: News for you about the blog and a video to inspire!

Today is the first day back to school after April vacation... I'm so tired from vacation I almost forgot to write! I'm sorry everyone! But look... I made it!!!

So now on with the blog post!!!

I thought today would be fun to post a music video... But first... 
I want to tell you all some cool news!!!

We have a new member to our YouTube family!!! That's right! I got us new stuff to watch!
I can't tell you who it is until tomorrow... After all... Tomorrow is for announcing this stuff.

So now here is your Video to enjoy! It has a very amazing and wonderfully uplifting message to everyone out there... A must see in music!!!

Well I hope you enjoyed the video and it made you a little happy!
Time to stop writing or it will be late!

As always...Thanx for watching and reading my post!

Have an amazing day and remember... You are amazing so don't let anything bring you down!!!

4~18~2016: A new week... A new post!

This week is going to be loads of fun for me... My children are not in school! This means trips to parks and things like that... But first... I'm going to share something fun you can do if you are in Japan anytime in the warmer weather... I suppose you could do it when it is cold too but I wouldn't want to... I'd freeze my but off!

Here is a video by +Sharla in Japan and the details for the cruise are in the 
description but I'll put them here too for your convenience!

There was too much info to put it all here so I have a link to the page for you...

I hope you like the video... And that the link was helpful.

On this video she also shares info for you to help out with earthquake relief... I'll post it too for your convienence... Here it is... 
(I copied it right from the comments so this is +Sharla in Japan's exact comment.)

~IMPORTANT~ My good friend Micaela (@cieala on twitter) has set up a fund where you can donate towards Kumamoto Earthquake Relief, so if you would like to do that here is the link https://www.generosity.com/volunteer-fundraising/2016-kumamoto-earthquake-relief-fund

I hope this was both a fun post and an informational post! I'm going to end it here...

As alwasy... Thanx for watching and reading my post!

Have an amazing Monday!

4~14~2016: Cute music....

I have heard this song a million times as my son walks around playing it... And I think it is reallllly cute! So I thought I would share it with you all...

Pokemon lovers this one is for you!!!

I'm a Pika-Girl... Are you???

AHHHH... I Love this song!!!

Ok... Cute time is over... I'll catch you all tomorrow!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my posts!!!

Have an amazing Pika-day!

4~11~2016: Getting to know you... Getting to know all about you.....

Although the title of this post is a few lines from a song and it is Monday... I am not posting music right now. I thought I would put up some "getting to know you" type videos from our YouTube family! Sooo here they are!

First up is +Texan in Tokyo 

They are too cute!

Next up is +Sharla in Japan 

Oh my her birthday is coming up... Not this saturday but next saterday! I will have to do a post specially saying Happy Birthday on April 23!!!

I Here is a link to the two posts I did for Rachel & Jun doing this...

Just a little info for you... Part 1
Just a little info for you... Part 2

Okay it's time to go now!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!

Have an amazing day!

4~8~2016: Kimono dye explained!

I thought today would be a good day to share a crafty type of video with you... 
Courtesy of +Rachel & Jun !

They often show us how Japanese Craftsmen and Craftswomen work... They have a playlist with the videos they have put out about the artisans and the work they do. You should really check it out!

Here is a link to the playlist for you!

Hope you enjoy the videos there!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching!!!

Hope you all have a weekend full of great fun and amazing memories!!!!

4~7~2016: Just something.... randomness!

I have always said I love being random!!!

That's right! I'm not as random as I seem! I carefully plan out my random bursts of information for you! And then I have to figure out how to make it seem random!!!

So with that in mind.... Here are some more "Not so random" random things!

Because who doesn't like to know more about the people they adore!!! Thank you Grace for sharing this with us! I know I make some of those same mistakes over and over again too!!!

Speaking of things people do... Rachel and Sharla are sharing some of the things they do out of habit now... Check it out here...

I think some of these things should be normal everywhere... Like the "covering your mouth" thing... I wonder how many odd looks I can get by bowing to everyone whenever the time would be right to... I may just try this to see... I love being odd!

Enjoy the little things... Live to the best of your ability... Hate no one... Forgive often!

Those are some great rules to live by!

Well it is time for me to stop!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I post!

Have a wonderful day!

4~4~2016: Monday Music Madness!!!

I am going to pull an Otaku moment! Here is an amazing song with a great message put to clips of some great anime!

You gatta love things like this!

I know this is a short post but I'm not back on track for getting up early enough to write the post on time every day... I may end up changing the time I write since I am thinking that me getting up early is what was making it so hard to get better! I'll keep you posted when I decide about this!

But for now... I am going to stop the post here...

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my posts!

Have an magical Monday!

4~1~2016: First Cosplay?

Soooo.... Hi again!!!!!

This last week I had taken a break from writing so I could FINALLY kick the illness out of my body! Good news... I believe I was successful!!! It's hard to tell since it keeps going dormant and then coming back... But let us look at this as a good thing and assume (even if we make asses out of ourselves) that it is gone this time!!!

Because of this I am going to do a video here as well as announce the next review... Here is the video!

You can't tell from the thumbnail but that stunning beauty is +Rachel & Jun 's very own Rachel!!!

I soooo want to go to this shop now!!! It looks like soooo much fun and the results were amazing!!!! I have never done cosplay but I really want to someday!

3~24~2016: yup... something quick again!

sorry that these are happening so much right now... here is another quick video cause I'm still sick.

Thanx Grace for the real talk!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!!!

3~10~2016: just a bit of.... training???

Eventually I will get around to making the posts for when I'm late... But since I didn't do that yet I will post this quick video and share a little lore from Japan with you!

Thank you +Sharla in Japan for sharing this!

Thay have such interesting things in Japan!!!!

Well I'm out of time today.... Hope this was interesting for you too...

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!

Have an amazing day!

3~8~2016: Travel for our YouTube Family...

Today I thought it would be fun to talk about travels our YouTube family has done... 

We have people in our YouTube family that don't do a lot of travel outside the country they live in... For example... +Rachel & Jun mostly stay in Japan... But here we have them traveling somewhere else... Check it out!

It looks like they had so much fun... But I do hope the phone wasn't theirs!

And though I don't know where to find a video from +Texan in Tokyo from while they were in Texas (I can't find one right now anyhow)... I did find one of them talking about things they loved there...

I Have lived in Texas and I have to agree with some of the things they like being completely awesome! I wouldn't mind going back there someday. I love how they show us pictures of the trip!

And Sharla from +Sharla in Japan  brings us to some places around Japan... Here is one of those videos for you to watch too...

From all of our YouTube family we learn so much about so many places. I'm so glad they take the time to make these videos for us all to enjoy...

I'm even more glad they allow me to share them on my blog for all of you!!!

So with this I will end my blog for today... Hope you enjoyed it!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading my post!!!

Have an amazing day!!!!!

3~7~2016: This sounds so yummy to me....

Happy Monday everyone!!!!!
I'm not exactly sure when but +Sharla in Japan put a new opening to her videos! It's cute... I do have to say I miss the "Hi Guys" from the old one though... Anyhow... Moving on... Sharla put out a video that I just have to share!

I personally love sake... I have been fortunate enough to find it here in the states a few times though I'm sure it is not as good as it is there in Japan. Well I realllllly want to try this food that her and Rachel tell us about here in this video... I'll let you watch it before I say any more...

That's right!!!! Candy is always good but Kit Kat are my favorite candy soooo if I add that to the fact I love the taste of sake... All I can say is I really want to try these!!!

And if you don't want to go searching for where to buy them then just try here...

Japan has sooooo many flavors of Kit Kat that I want to try... I think it is amazing!

Do you have any foods you have seen on videos that you want to try??
Let me know in the comments and maybe we can inspire people together to try something new!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching!!!

Have an amazing week!!!


10~27~2016 Update!

I bought these and they were great!!! I am so going to get them again!!!

2~29~2016: Just a little something....

So today I am going to keep this one short... But cool... Here is a video from +Texan in Tokyo for you to enjoy. It's (as of right now) the latest episode in her "Day in My Life" playlist!

Episode 18

Now... I don't know about you but I think it's so cute to see her reaction to how many backers she has for her comic... And the number is still going! As of this post she has 1569 backers!!!

You deserve it Grace!!!!

The next thing you should do is see if some book stores want to carry your book!

Let us know how that goes if you decide to! 

Alas... Today I'm going crazy trying to get stuff done on the first day back to school after February vacation... so I'm going to stop the post here...

As alway... Thanx for reading and watching my posts!

Have an amazing day everyone!

2~26~2016: Coming of age in Japan!

So today is a bit of a special day for me... My first child is officially an adult today!
18 years is a long time to watch him grow and now he is supposed to go out into the world and become his own keeper (He will always be my baby!!!)...

So I wanted to ask all of you... What age do people officially become adults in your country??? +Sharla in Japan shows us a ceremony they have in Japan for when you come of age!

Thank you Sharla for sharing this!!!

As always... Thanx for Watching and Reading my post!!!!!

Hope your weekend is filled with lots of great fun!!!

2~25~2016; Something interesting... America should do something like this!!!

I can't tell you how good this would be if they did this layout in some of the shelters in the united states! Check it out!!!

I have to say that we could definitely accommodate more people if this was the setup... Then maybe we would have less homeless people out in the cold in winter... Even though this is not a permanent solution to homelessness I think it would be a great stepping stone for those who want to get their life back on track and it would help them feel human again!

Maybe we should write the government to see what they think???

I'm going to leave you with those thoughts...

As always... Thanx for reading and watching and Thanx to +Rachel & Jun 
for bringing this video to life!!!

Have an amazing day!!! 

2~22~2016: Just a little info for you... Part 2

We are going to jump right into it today... +Rachel & Jun put out the part two for their 50 facts videos!!! Soooo... Here it is!!!

I hope you enjoyed learning things about them just like I did!!!

I have a major migraine right now so I will stop this post here...

As always... Thanx for watching!!!

Have an amazing day!!!

2~19~2016: Expensive VS. Cheap

Lets watch expensive verses cheep things with +Texan in Tokyo !!!


Thank you both for this info!!!

Ok...I'm going to end this here for today!

As always... Thanx for reading my posts!

Have an unbelievably good weekend everyone!!!

2~18~2016: Just a little info for you... Part 1

Today's post is going to be a super short one since I am running late and have to get the girls to school... Here is just a little info for you about someone in our YouTube family!

Thank you +Rachel & Jun for this!

And as always... Thanx everyone for watching!

Have an amazing day!!!

2~16~2016: Ice made cool!!!

Today is going to be another quick post... I am still not doing good. 

Courtesy of +Rachel & Jun we get to see how Japan made ice into something awesome!

Watch here as we explore some cool ice!

What did I tell you... Pretty awesome right!

I leave you to chill with this now... Get it... Chill with it!

Ya I know... Not cool... Anyhow...

As always... Thanx for watching what I post!

Have a great day and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the review!

2~15~2016: Just a little anime knowledge for you...

This post is made possible because +Rachel & Jun were kind enough to make this video!

The hidden meanings in Anime names

This was not so surprising in the beginning... I have often written the names out in the Japanese way and looked at how they were said... Then thought wow that could be this!... However I never expected to be right! I love how clever the Japanese are with names!!!

At the end of the video Rachel and Jun said they would be putting another video about names out...
Soooo... Look forward to their kira-kira video!!! I'll post it when I find it!!!

Since I have spiked a fever yet again (I'm so sick of being sick) I'm going to make this a short post.

As always... Thanx for reading and watching!

Have a wonderful day everyone

2~11~2016: Thoughts and Publishing Help!!!

I have been thinking a lot lately about when I publish my first book...

I know it's scary right!!! Anyhow... I have thought this for a while... I want a pen name on my books.. Not my real name. I finally decided on what I am going to use and have started changing all my social media things to show that it is me. So what is my name???

Mistique Robin

Yup... Sweet and simple... It is so me too!!! It's not that I don't want people to know it's me that wrote the books, poems or anything else I put out... It's Just something I always thought was cool!

Ya ya I know... Geeky!

But you know what... I love my geeky self!!!!

I have a long way to go before I get to the point where I need to use the pen name though... but even so it is one less thing I need to worry about now.

Now here is some more info about Publishing books just in case you want to do this too...

She always has such great videos!!! Here is one of them from the list to give you a peek into what it's all about... Hope you like it as much as I did!!!

Well that is all I have time to write about right now.... Hope it was helpful even if only a little!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I post!!!

Have an amazing day/night!!!

2~5~2016: Food???

Today is a rushed post because I have 20 minutes to write this post it and get my girls to school...

Soooo.... For an easy topic... Lets talk food!

Today I found a cool Omurice recipe oh +Texan in Tokyo 's YouTube page. Her husband Ryosuke has started to share with us how to make some of the foods we see in the videos they share... here is the first one I have seen though I'm sure there will be more!!!

It's so realistic... Complete with imperfections! This is the playlist they are going to but his videos in..

Not sure if that will be the name of the playlist or not but It is what I'm calling it!

2~4~2016: Going to Japan???

Travel time!!!!

So anyone who knows anything about me knows I would LOVE to go to Japan! However that isn't going to happen anytime soon... BUT... I thought I would show you some videos to help you if that is something you are going to be doing anytime soon... Here is the first one!

 Thank you +Rachel & Jun for sharing this site with us!!!

Now that you have your trip planned lets look at this video that will help you get there!

Wow so much to know!!!

OK... Now you're there and you are headed to the hotel! Here is a video that can help you know what to expect when you get to your room!

It looks so cool!!!

I can't wait till I can go visit someday!!!

Hope these videos were helpful to you! Thank you soooooo much Rachel & Jun for sharing these with us!!! It was really informative!

As always... Thank you all for reading and watching what I share!

Have a great day!!!

2~1~2016: Monday Morning Japanese Tongue Twisters!

There was another YouTube member in our little family that also did tongue twisters... But I think they were drunk when they did them... lets watch to see if I remember right...

Thank you +Texan in Tokyo  for sharing these! Here we have both Japanese and English ones!

These look like fun to learn and I hope you had fun watching them being said!
Can you do it? Let me know in the comments!
(I have trouble with them)

As always.. Thanx for reading and watching my posts!!!

Have an amazing day!!!

1~29~2016: Challenge... oh man!

Before I show the video I have to say... Poor Rachel!!!

Yuck! I don't think she will be buying that again... But we thank you +Rachel & Jun for sharing this with us and in a way warning us not to try it!

Well gonna go for now!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I post!!!

Have a wonderful and fun weekend!!!

1~28~2016: The best PV ever in my opinion!!!!

OK so I don't usually write about PV for anything.... but I saw this one and being a fan of the anime and the movies they got the lines from... I just HAD to share! 

So the best PV in my opinion!!! Check it out here!

Inu X Boku SS

Soooooo.... What did you think??? Let me know if you agree or disagree and we can discuss it and have fun trying to figure out if there is a better one!

As always.... Thanx for reading and watching my posts!

Have an amazing day!

1~26~2016: May be late... But wow that Kimono!

I thought I would post a video today since it is the easiest post I can think of and it has to be done fast since I didn't realize it was time to post!

I have to say it... I'm so JEALOUS!!!  Sharla you look amazing!!!

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching my posts!

Have an amazing day!

1~19~2016: Randomness...

Today I thought I would post a playlist for you all to enjoy... Sharla has this playlist called...

In it there are some awesome videos she has made that bring you around Japan. I know I post a lot of these videos from our YouTube family that do this same thing but honestly you can never see the same place the same... Especially when seeing it through people's cameras!

So here is another video from her list that I thought you might like!!!

Yes that is Einshine in the background.

If you liked this video you should really check out some of the others on the list!

Well that is all for today..

As always... Thanx for watching and reading this post!!!

Have an amazing day and don't forget to check out the review tomorrow!

1~14~2016: America VS. Japan: Manners...

Food for thought time!!!!

I was thinking about a lot of things today... One of the biggest things I was thinking about was how each house has it's own set of rules... I know this is very random. Let me explain why I was thinking about this... I recently went to visit a friend... Her house had it's own set of rules as is expected. However, my girls wanted to follow our house rules in her house... I had to explain to them how things are not always the same from house to house... Them being so young (5 and 6 Years old) I am not sure they completely understand.

This is not the only time house manners could be different.... For example... Visiting a house in another country is very similar to visiting a friends house... Though their rules might be very different from what you're used to! Here is Rachel from Rachel & Jun telling us about some of Japan's common house manners or rules...

I don't know about in your house but my house has a shoes off policy only when it is an area where there is a rug... However my friend's house is not like that... As for the rest of my house it is up to the person if they want to leave their shoes on or take them off.

There are also different table manners to consider when thinking about America VS. Japan... Here is a video where Rachel brings us through some of those as well...

These are not all the rules or manners by any means... but it's interesting to see just how different it is from the rules and manners I have for my house!

Thank you +Rachel & Jun for showing me these interesting things!!!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what's on my blog!!

Have a wonderful and happy day!!!

1~7~2016: Anime, Manga, Reality:Love, Dating, and School life!

Today I thought it would be fun to look at the difference between Anime, Manga, and Reality when it comes to dating, love, and school life!
To do this I am going to show you some videos by +Rachel & Jun...

Here is the first video!

Some of the Questions were very expected... And some of the answers were Unexpected!

FINALLY!!! I get to learn the answer to why the girls ask for buttons in some anime!!!

Here is the next one...

I would have thought that the answer about leaving love letters would have been that it was really common since I would assume not everyone knows the e-mail address of the person they like.

Also I thought that anime and manga drew the skirt short because it was a fantasy type thing and that no one really wore them that short! I think it's nice that these things are being told to us... There are other questions in the videos that I didn't go over so you have to watch them to find out!

Here is a more recent Video they did that also included +Sharla in Japan  and +Einshine ...

The thing is... People always want to believe that their favorite part about an anime they like is real and not just a fantasy! I'm one of those people sometimes... The last video shows that sometimes the things in anime really are more realistic than we think!!! I pride myself on being able to at least know when one of the more dramatic things is not going to happen unless it is for a cosplay!

Thank you Jun and Jun's sister for answering some of those questions for us in the first two videos!!!
Also Thank you to Rachel, Sharla, and Einshine for the last video!!!

I'm glad they made these videos and I love that I am permitted to share them with all of you!!

As always... Thanx for watching the videos and reading my blog!!!!!

Have a great day!!!

1~5~2016: Convenient Food... Meals from a store...

Today I thought it would be fun to talk about food... Ya I know I talk about food a lot lol.
But hay if it is good why not tell people about it?!?! 

Today the first video I'm bringing to you is one of +Texan in Tokyo showing us winter themed Lunches from a convenience store... Check it out!

She does bring us another video of convenience store lunches... I will post that one here too!

All in all I think that lunches from a convenience store isn't bad thing and I definitely agree that home cooking is best!  It's not just lunch you can get there either... Here is a breakfast for ya!

Well I know I didn't really show you too much new stuff but I did show you that a meal from a convenience store isn't all that bad in Japan! Actually it's better than in the states from what I am seeing. But that may not be true either...

Let me know in the comments if you are able to get good semi-healthy or healthy meals at a convenience store near you! I'd be interested to know where in the world other than Japan you can get meals from a store that are not just junk!

That's all for now! See you all tomorrow!!!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I've posted!!!

Have an amazing day!!!

1~4~2016: WOW gatta check it out some day!!!

Like my post title says... This post is about places I HAVE to go see or visit someday!

I've told you about a few cafe in Japan I really want to visit... 

Here are the newest additions to the list!


Sharla... It was so awesome of you to take us to check this place out!!!

I wonder if the sailor moon thing in this next video happens every year!

SAILOR MOON CRYSTAL FOOD CAFE ☽ セーラームーン in ナンジャタウン

If it does then it would be worth looking into as well!

I guess we shall leave this post here... I hope you enjoyed the two videos I brought to your attention!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading the post!
Have a great day!!!

12~28~2015: Traveling tip...

Ok lets be honest... Traveling is FUN!! But it's also stressful! There is soooo much to think about when going to another place. I haven't done any big traveling but I have gone to Canada for a visit with a friend. I had a great time too! 

But what do you do if you're going on a trip that is overseas for you, and what do you do if you don't know anyone there??? 

Sharla from Sharla in Japan has given us an answer that might just fit your needs!

Visiting Japan? Find a House to Stay at! Airbnbで国内ホームステイやってみませんか?

I have a feeling there are others out there with answers that would fit too... but this is the one I chose to show. Sharla did an amazing job telling us about this so I want to say thank you to her too!
I know someday I want to visit Japan so maybe I can use this then!!!

Well that's it for my blog today... I know it was short but I hope it was helpful!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching my posts!!!
Have a great day!!!

@}>~~Mistique Robin~~~

11~16~2015:The fear is real!!!

Speaking for myself... I'm sure there are others to who feel this way too... When you first start sharing your thoughts or opinions on a social media it can be pretty intense!!!

The Fear Is Real!

No one knows how their ideas or anything they share with the world will be perceived... And it is a pretty serious thing to deal with when you first start doing any kind of social sharing... I mean... other than sharing stuff with friends and family who you know will just joke around with you if your stuff sucks that is. 

Then you also have to figure out what media you wanna share your stuff on... Eeep... Where do I even begin?!?!?! It is such a maze out there!!!

Finally you figure it out... this is where you wanna share your stuff... But... Will it be liked???
There is no way to know for sure... But here is some helpful advice from one of our YouTube family friends!!!

She has it right! It is ok to suck... So don't let the fear of sucking stop you from trying.!

Your DREAM is worth trying... And if you should fail at first keep at it if you enjoy it... Cause guess what.... Someone out there is going to relate... They will love what you have to say... And you might just become their hero for trying what they wanted to do but were to scared to!

So yes... THE FEAR IS REAL... But don't let it stop you!!!

As aways... Thanx for reading my ranty post on fear and trying going hand in hand!

Hope you have a great day!!!!

10~31~2015: Just another themed cafe for ya!

Today's post was supposed to be posted on Friday. This is the best I can do since things got crazy! I'm going to start off with a video following up on themed cafe's...

Jun from Rachel & Jun went to a maid cafe and I feel that showing the difference between a mans first experience and a girls first time there was a good idea... 

If you didn't get a chance to watch the videos of themed cafe's I already posted I have provided a link to it here...

One of those is a maid cafe and Rachel is with Sharla! So when I saw Jun was going to one too I thought it would be good to show Just how different their times there were. Here is Jun's first time to a maid cafe!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!

Have a great day!!!

10~29~2015: Themed Cafes in Japan!!!!

As I was looking into what to put for my next spotlight review I started watching some more of Sharla in Japan's videos.. She did a few Cafe videos and I fell in love with them!!! soooo now that I have figured out how to put the videos right in the blog I reallllly want to show them to you!

Here are 4 Cafe videos by Sharla!!!

First up.... Pikachu Cafe!!!

Apparently this cafe is a limited time thing but I think it would be cool if they made it somewhere year round... check it out in the video below...

PIKACHU CAFE in Roppongi, Japan ☆ ピカチュウカフェ可愛過ぎてやばい

She gets so excited about the cuteness of the food that I can't help but get excited right along with her!!! I did notice she did another Pikachu cafe video but you will have to look through her videos to get to see it... you might also find other videos you would like to see!!!

I thought I'd follow up on all the cuteness with a Cat Cafe video..

CAT CAFES in Japan! 猫カフェに行ってみました♥

These kitties are just too cute when she brings out the food!!! And I love how the second cafe has more than one purpose!!! Amazing!

So she followed up her Cat Cafe video with a RABBIT one!!!! yup rabbit... SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! Check it out!!!!

RABBIT CAFE IN JAPAN うさぎカフェに行ってみた!

So fluffy!!!! Some of these bunnies have such unique looks!!! I wanted to hold them all lol.

And now for the last video I want to show off... A Maid Cafe!!!

My First MAID CAFE Experience! Akihabara, Japan カナダ人の初めてのメイドカフェ

This is the traditional Cafe you see in Anime and Manga... I have to say I was not disappointed by the real thing!!! I know there are a lot of things in Anime that are not like they are in the real world so I tend to think that what I see in them is just all made up... this video shows that some of the stuff in them is soooo true!!! I REALLY want to go to a Maid Cafe now!!! 

I'm sure there are some other great themed cafe's in Japan but these are the videos I really wanted to share with you all... I love how Sharla involves other YouTubers in some of her videos too... hope you enjoy watching these adventures in themed cafes as much as I did!!!

As always... Thanx for taking the time to read and watch the things I bring to you!

Have a Great day!!!!