
10~6~2016: So what kind of throwback will this be???

That's right! It's throwback time!!!

So lets jump right into it shall we? I haven't shared videos in a while so I thought today we would share one or two... And then I would share a poem... Yup Yup... It's a combo throwback!
First up let's watch a video and chat about it....

OK... So if you know who this is then you also would be like... WOW! +Sharla in Japan had soooo much trouble looking at the camera... I think she was camera shy at the beginning of her YouTube career! I think it is so adorable though!

She took the time to show us her costume... I wonder if this was her first Halloween in Japan!

Now lets look at another one about a pretty cool pet from +Rachel & Jun's Adventures! 

As you can see it's a really neat pet! I wish there was something more exciting around where I lived as a kid than just salamanders... They weren't hard to keep as a pet but they ran away reallllly fast so it was hard to even get any... and they were really small!

It's so cool to look back on the videos and see how people have changed as they make them... They go from shy to outgoing... From quiet and hard to hear to loud and clear! Every video they are changing and growing and if they put enough out you can actually see the change!

OK time to make the combo switch!!!

First a little background... 
This poem was written when I first was put on Lithium for my mental issues... They had tried so many other things and I was feeling like this was a last resort med.. So I didn't mind how it made me feel kinda trapped because everything else was under control!
Now her is the poem I wrote while I was going through that...

Cage Called Lithium

The price I pay... Is it worth it?
Yes they say... It's so worth it!
Your moods no longer haywire...
No more crazy wildfire...
Calm, cool, and collected...
Society no longer rejected...
The girl they see before them...
Created in a cage called Lithium.

Yup... I felt like I was stuck in a cage... I still do... But again that cage is not as bad as it was before the cage... I know there are times when I can't express myself to the fullest because of this cage too... But it's better than being scared of everyone and everything!

For me the good outweigh the bad... And they have been able to lower the amount I'm on so I know I'm making progress... Plus... If they hadn't put me on it then I never would have written this gem!
(It's been copyrighted to me on poetry.com)

So that is it for this post... Hope you enjoyed the videos and the poem!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I post!
Have a Creative and Fun day!

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