
10~10~2016: Musing Monday... Love?

Have you ever wondered what it's like when you date someone from another country? Are there things they do that are specific to a relationship that are not the same as you would do where you are from? For example.... How to you even express that you love them? Or how will they let you know?

Here is our Random Video where Rachel and Jun talk to us about saying I Love You in Japan!!!

I chose this Video because I was thinking about how hard it can be now-a-days to figure out when to say "I Love You"... And I'm not even talking about just with the person you are dating... There are times when I have felt like I shouldn't say this to my mom or my sisters... Don't get me wrong... I love them dearly... But the situation that is happening right at the time can make it harder to say... And in the case of the partner you are with... Well... Saying it opens you up to the possibility of a world of hurt if you are unsure of how they feel about you!

 It's not that we don't say I love you here in America but it can be hard figuring out when it's appropriate to say it no matter who you are saying it to!

Thinking this made me think of a conversation I had a while back with my pen-pal. I asked her if there was a difference in how I would tell my daughter in Japanese "I love you" compared to how I'd tell my husband the same thing. This started up a conversation on how Japanese people don't say this nearly as often as we do here! I guess it would probably be embarrassing to a Japanese person if they didn't understand where you came from and how your culture is when it comes to this phrase. I really haven't been able to get this out of my head either.

So long story short... When I saw this video it brought back sooo many good memories of this conversation that I just HAD to share the video with you all! I hope you like it!

I will keep looking for little diamonds like this that can start conversations... And here is the conversation I'm hoping this one will start...

How do people express live between partners or family members where you're from?
I'd really love to know! I love learning about this kind of thing because when we understand things like this we understand people better! It stops misunderstandings!

For me that is all part of being a flower of hope... I want to understand and relate to you and share my life with you... Then maybe my successes will give someone who reads or watches my content some glimmer of hope! I really just think we need to all do our part to understand each other!

OK... I don't mean to get all preachy or mushy or what ever you wanna call it... So I think I will end the post here before I start going on a tangent!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I've shared!!!
Have a compassionate day!!!!

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