
10~11~2016: Random Video's From our YouTube Family... Goals???

This week I thought it would be fun if we viewed random videos from our YouTube family's past!

I'm not going to do this in any specific order or anything so please pay attention to the name above the video because their channel name will be there!

Yup we are going there... POKEMON!!!!! Of course this is an older video so it's nothing compared to Pokemon Go videos she has done more recently... But I thought it would be fun to show one from before all this hype started! Not that I don't love Pokemon Go because I do!

It's a really quick video while +Sharla in Japan opens a pokeball...Love what she got! Hope you do too!!!
Ok... Next on the lineup....

Here is some helpful advise in a video done with two of our friends... In this video Sharla joins Rachel from +Rachel & Jun to tell us about things they wish they knew BEFORE moving to Japan!

Such a good video too!!! I'm glad I watched it since someday I want to visit Japan!
Next we have....

Here is part one of two videos where +Jade Furuta walks us through Shibuya.

She has videos about more than just Japan and I may show some of them alone on a random video day but for now lets stick with the Japanese theme!
Last but not least.... We have this diamond in the rough...

I would never have thought this was true!!! Japanese things not in Japan?!?!? 

Yup it happens!

+Texan in Tokyo talk us through a few things they found that are stereo-typically Japanese but are not actually found in Japan! I never would have believed it if it hadn't come from someone who lives there! After all... Who would think something Japanese wouldn't be in Japan!

That's it... I'm not going to add anymore into this video because I don't want to seem like I'm just posting the videos... To be honest I wanted it to sound like a commercial add... How did I do? Did I sell you on checking out their channels? Don't get me wrong... All the videos really are amazing... And I really did enjoy watching all of them... I just wanted to see if I could write a post like that!

I know what some people think when I post videos... And I'm ok with that... As long as someone enjoys seeing them then I'm happy! I mean come on... Sharla has a great smile and wonderful personality... Rachel and Jun are charismatic too... Jade has a way of catching you that is all her own... and lets not forget how Ryosuke makes us laugh and Grace just has a way of making it seem like she is talking right to you... If anything I watch these videos to figure out what I need to improve... Because I want to be like them... Charismatic and fun to watch!
So let's end the post on this great note!

This has been a Random Video Blog just for you! Hope you enjoyed it!!!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching the videos!!!
Have a great week!!!

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