
9~15~2016: It's a throwback Video post!

Have you ever stopped and wondered how much of the things we Americans think of as "stereo-typically belonging to another culture" are actually just American adaptions to those things?

I have... And thanx to Grace and Ryosuke we now know at least three things that are stereo-typically Japanese that aren't actually Japanese and can't be found in Japan... Let's take a look!

This video was published on Apr 26, 2015 so who knows what new things they found that fit the bill here... I really was surprised to find that sushi isn't the same though! I thought all sushi was the same! Shows how much I know right?!?!?

Anyhow... Today's post isn't about just sushi though I'm sure I could do a post on just that easily! it's a throwback video post... This is an older one from +Texan in Tokyo that I really found informative... Maybe if we bring enough attention to it they will do an updated version... Or a twist on it somehow... Who knows what a simple blog post can bring right!

Thinking about throwbacks... How about Grace's first Kickstarter???

In this video we get to clearly see how excited she is... She has come so far in such a short amount of time it is amazing! I have to say her comics are amazing too.. I own all 4 of her books on PDF now... I hope she never stops enjoying doing this because I love reading her books!

It's amazing though... This video was published on Aug 30, 2014... So she has grown so much and done so much in just 2 years! I know a lot of people will be thinking "two years is a long time" but it really isn't when you are talking about books... Not skits or sections in other books... Books on their own! I am writing a book and have been for about a year... I'm no where near done it though!

Oh but I think I posted a preview on here once... I will look really quick... one sec.
Found it... And now you can too... Click HERE!!!

Like it says though... Those are only peeks into it... There is so much more to it now lol.

People do a lot of things with their lives but few have the ability to look back on it and see it all over again... At least that used to be the way it worked... Now if you Vlog or video for yourself or even journal or blog it you can look back and see it all unfold once again...

This is the beauty of being a Blogger or Vlogger or just having a camera or pen always available!
Gatta love technology right!

Well I'm going to end this post here and start working on the video I'm going to put out on Saturday! I have to move all the videos from my phone to my computer after editing what I can on the iPad... It is a long process and I now prefer to do some of it each night so I'm not spending all day Friday gettin it ready to go out on YouTube! Hope you enjoyed the flashbacks!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I shared!
Have a memorable day!!!

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