
7~15~2016: Food... Themed Food... Fake food.... Just food!

I was again thinking about my health this week and have decided to try something... I am going to cut back on the amount of sugar I put in my tea. I know this doesn't sound like a big deal but I love my tea super sweet so for me it is a big deal. I am going from having a cup pf tea that is about 1 1/2 cups with 3 scoops of sugar (a scoop is probably a little more than 1 1/2 tsp.) to just one scoop! YIKES!

I'm going to do this for a minimum of 30 days to see if it has any change on my weight. I don't know if I told you but my weight likes to stay at one amount even if I eat better or exercise more!

Now to tease myself... here are some videos about food for you to enjoy!

+Texan in Tokyo Thank you for sharing those!

Now here is one where you can't eat everything you see!

+Rachel & Jun that is so cool! You guys did great! They look so real!!!

Now to have two of our YouTube family Collaborate and share the videos for this one cafe!

You have to watch them to find out who did what one and what they have to say! But they are definitely worth the watch!!! Thank you both for sharing!!!

Speaking of cool Cafe!!! Here is another cool one!

OMG that looks YUMMY!!! Thank You +Strawberry Mochi for sharing this!!! Now that I have teased myself with sugar I can't have I'm gonna end this post!

Good luck to me on sticking with the minimum sugar cut thingy! LOL

As always... Thanx for watching the videos I share and the things I right!
Have a delicious day! 

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