
Vlogger days?

So it isn't that often a YouTube Vlogger will show their day when it isn't what their channel is normally showing... But it is cool to learn about... So I need to thank +Sharla in Japan for doing just that... Here is her video...

I know... You thought that it was always full of fun! NOPE... I understood this since I also make Vlogs but mine are more family style... I just thought it would be fun to show you a typical day in a YouTube personalities life... Of course this is not how everyone's day goes... For example... Mine is different since I also have children to get going every day!

That's it... I thought this was fun to watch... Hope you liked it!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I shared!
Hope you have a wonderful day!


Cats... Cats... Who doesn't like to watch cats!

Who in their right mind doesn't like to watch cats!!! They can be so cute!
Here are two cuties in action!!!

So cute! Let's watch some more!

I don't know about you but I think they are so cute!!! They make me smile when I'm sad and I hope if you were having a bad day this brought a smile to your face as well! HUGS to you if you are having a bad day! And a HUGE thank you to +Sharla in Japan for making a channel for Luna and Maro. Here is a link.

I'm gonna end this here. Hope you enjoyed it!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share with you!
Have an amazing and cute day!


A Look Back....

When you look back at a year that's past you think of the things you loved to do or places you visited... You also think of things you learned about or things you saw that were interesting or cool!!!

Here we have a few things that happened in 2016 for some of our YouTube family... Let's take a look!

+Olli CuppaTea Had this little adventure around Christmas!

It was so cool to see.... I don't know about you but I love seeing other people's adventures in places that I want to visit someday!!!

Then we have +Texan in Tokyo who shared this little gem!

It is another example of fun times in places I want to someday visit. Let's end this review 2016 post with a +Sharmander video...

I thought this one would be good to share since I myself would eventually have to get glasses if I moved there.... So it's good to know any info before that day comes... I don't know how much it would change before I end up there but hay... Any info is good info right?

That's all for this one! I hope you enjoyed our look back on 2016!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share!
Have a wonderful and fun filled day!


Race traits? Skin color? No this isn't a racist post!

Kento +Kento Bento Is Like Rachel and Jun in the fact that they want to teach us things... I personally can't say if what either of them teach is us accurate or not but I do think it is a good way to get you thinking about things you normally wouldn't!

Soooo on that note... Lets check out a few of Kento Bento's videos!

Did you figure out what kind of eyes you have? I had to watch it a few times to be able to see what kind I had... And my answer is... Not very Asian at all!

Now lets look at the color of our skin.... No this isn't getting all racist on you... I happen to think that no matter what color your skin is you have the potential to be an amazing person or a total jerk! The color doesn't dictate this... Your actions do... So now that I've cleared that up before it got bad... Let's look at what Kento says about skin shades!

I don't know if this shed light on the topic for you but to me I prefer not to refer to any specific race by skin color so it was just an interesting thing to hear about. After all I'm a mix of gosh only knows what! So how would I refer to my skin based on race? I look like I'm winning a game of 'hide and seek' with the sun but I have native american in my bloodline too... Total opposites! And my daughter is the spitting image of me but she has more native in her than I do! Because of that... I don't do the skin color classification thing.

Well I hope this has given you some things that make you go hmmmmm.

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I bring to your attention!
Hope you have a fun and Knowledge filled day!


Lesson time!!!

OK so normally lesson time is...

But this time I thought we would not only have a lesson in Japanese... We would have a lesson on Asia!

First the Asia lesson shared with us by +Kento Bento!

I had no idea some of those places were part of Asia! I can't wait to see what the rest of the boarder is! I'll share it with you when I find it!

Now lets look at the next lesson +tomoko tomoko  shared with us!

eiga 映画 →movie
yuushoku 夕食 →dinner
yuuenchi 遊園地→ amusement park 
watashi no uchi  私のウチ(家)→my(female) house 
boku no uchi 僕のウチ(家)→my(male) house

I hope that you enjoyed watching these videos as much as I did... Remember that you don't have to understand everything Tomoko says to learn things... Even if you only pick up one new word you have learned something so keep trying and someday you will understand!

With that I think I'll stop writing... I don't want to accidently knock out the new things you have learned after all!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I shared!
Have a wonderful and fun day!


Traveler.. Not just Japan!

Here is a Vlogger we haven't posted about in a while... It isn't that she hasn't been posting but I haven't shared them too often... She is like the hidden jewel of our YouTube family! Let's check out one of +Jade Furuta's recent posts!

It looks cool there... I think I would really like to go there too!

Now Jade doesn't just explore Japan... Here is one of her videos from another place she visited!

So if you like learning about or seeing different places she might be someone you want to watch!
I'm gonna end this post here since I don't want to enter into Information overload mode!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I shared!
Hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day!


A Cool Japanese Drink... I want!!!

Just something quick today.... I saw a cool drink on +Kento Bento's channel and wanted to share their video about it with you! I sooooo want to try this someday!

I know this is a "Things you didn't know" video but I think it is a really cool drink! And thinking of all those flavors.... Yeah I have to agree with the WTF flavors... To find out what they are you need to watch the video though... Tell me what you think... Do you think any of the other flavors should be in the WTF category? Let me know in the comments!
I'm gonna end this one here...

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I shared!
Hope you have a Yummy day!


Music... And... You....

I can't say for everyone that the same songs touch their hearts but for a lot of people there are specific songs that resonate deep within us! In my opinion... This is one of those songs...

There are a lot of songs like this out there... I know there are.. Sooooo... What songs touch you? If you have a song from your culture or another's culture that touches you then I would love to know about it! I want to see what music moves us all as a people.. One people who are very different but fundamentally the same.... I want to find things that connect us not separate us!
So that's my challenge... Share what music moves you!

OK... Enough babbling from me...

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I've shared!
Hope you have a Musical day!


Throwback.... Or not???

Today is supposed to be a throwback video... But I don't know if I want it to be one... I think that no matter what the video I chose it will undoubtedly be a throwback to someone so should it really be an older video or just one I love? So for this one it is going to be ones I love!

Here is the first one!

Yes I am on a food kick today.... So here is +JunsKitchen's next cooking video for us!

OK so I am not going to go crazy... I will end this post now since I have made myself quite hungry!

As always... Thanx for watching and reading what I share even if I only write a little!
Hope you have a wonderfully yummy day!!!


Opinions... You know you wonder what they are!

OK... Let's face it... We all wonder at some point of another in our lives... Just what do they think of me? And I know that I myself wonder this a lot... What do all of you think of me... Of my Blog... Or even more so... What do you think of my newest project... My YouTube channel!

In the next two videos +Rachel & Jun ask questions that answer some of those worries... Lets see what the people of Japan think.

That was so cool how they all felt the same about inviting people to visit Japan!

Too cute!!! I love how they have a great opinion of America overall... It was cute to see how they answered too!

It's videos like this that make me smile!

I'm going to end this post now because it is such a great note to end on!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I share with you!
Keep smiling and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Models are awesome!!!

Modeling??? I dunno about you but I think anyone who models is amazing... On that note... Let's listen to +Strawberry Mochi tell us about her experiances!

I know her experiences aren't the traditional modeling we think of but wow it is so cool to hear about it! I think maybe I will get one of those masks just to try it... If you do then let me know what you think about it! I'm really interested to know!

I would love to share +Taylor R テイラー 's video on modeling but I haven't gotten permission yet. So I'll do the old fashion link!

I don't really have anything else I can think to add to this at the moment so I'll end it here!

As always... Thanx for reading and watching what I share!
Have a beautiful day!